Supporting all Vermont families

What is a Parent Child Center?

Parent Child Centers, deeply rooted in the Strengthening Families Framework, provide holistic services that are family-driven, strength based, and multi-generational all while building protective factors in children and families and addressing social determinants of health. PCCs serve every family (in the prenatal period and beyond) that walks through their door; making sure that families have the support and resources they need to nurture their children and get them off to a great start in life. The network of 15 Parent Child Centers serve all of Vermont with a focus on early identification, intervention, and prevention. Individually, there are 15 independent, locally based nonprofit organizations, each providing a wide range of supports and services unique unto the needs of their specific region. Vermont's Parent Child Center Network is named in Vermont statute and recognized as an engine of collaboration and innovation. PCCs’ innovative work helps build communities where children and families thrive; communities that support children in having a healthy childhood.

There are 15 centers in Vermont.

United, the Vermont Parent Child Center Network serves ALL of Vermont with a shared vision, philosophy, and purpose through the delivery of the 8 Core Services:

  • Parent Education
  • Parent Support
  • Home Visits
  • Early Childhood Services
  • Concrete Family Supports
  • Playgroups
  • Community Development
  • Information & Referral.
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